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The Bionic Wiki

Ripped solar panel[]

Therefore, I submit that in the Bionic universe, Skylab's launch was flawless enough that no such damage occurred. GCapp1959 08:48, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

In real life, yes, one solar panel and part of the heat shield were torn off Skylab during its launch. But in real life, Steven Austin was not one of the astronauts on Apollo 17, nor were there later Apollo flights to the moon, let alone one that landed within walking distance of the near-far side libration zone. This could be an alternate timeline where the Skylab B space station,cancelled in our timeline,was launched to replace Skylab. I mean,think about it. A 'reactivated' Apollo, Skylab's still around, so I guess this could be an AH where Apollo kept operational for a while. Or the Skylab could be Skylab B. Was the Space Shuttle ever mentioned in any Bionic 'verse media? Hpkreator103 (talk) 22:53, June 29, 2020 (UTC)
(I have reformatted the content on this Talk page) The initial statement by User:Gcapp1959 is a little weird in that nothing precedes his, "Therefore . . ." so one cannot precisely determine what s/he is talking about. And yet, User:Hpkreator103 has extrapolated a possible subject. Okay, let's roll with it: If we agree that Gcapp1959 is finding fault with the damage to Skylab, then I can only add that the world of Steve and Jaime is already an alternate universe and anything that happens in it should be taken at face value. In other words: it's a fictional TV show and comparing its fictional events to real world events is silly. — Paul (talk) 01:35, June 30, 2020 (UTC)